Artistic Development Katie
Term 4, 2013 Span Neighbourhood House
Please note this term is already part way through, but this will give you an idea of the term and the sorts of classes I run.
Term 4 dates are Oct 10th - 12th Dec
This term we will be exploring the art of the landscape
and our relationship to the environment. Now the with the better weather and
the longer light we will venture outdoors and explore drawing trees, plants,
people and buildings au plein air
(outdoor). Topics covered include structure, perspective, conture, tone and
colour, looking at artists and cultures throughout history.
Week One This week we
will begin our journey into exploring the Landscape – from history from
classicism to installation.
we will catch up on the holidays and look at any artwork we have made,
especially in relation to nature and our experiences in the break. We will
discuss the relationship of the artist to the environment and look through
books giving examples of different approaches. Then to get us back into drawing
we will work in our journals. Exercise
one: draw a child style portrait of yourself and your home/childhood home, or
in your journal draw a representation of your self and your relation to any
place. This is a short exercise to get you in touch with that creative child in
you. Exercise two: Looking at
images of landscape art from history in the books we have, choose one to draw
in our journals, breaking it up into a study of planes, line, tone and colour
Pencils, (colour and grey lead), journals.
Week Two This week we
will look at everything from art of Aboriginal cultures in the landscape to the
contemporary work of Andy Goldsworthy and other artists. Looking through these
images we will discuss our relationship to the landscape and the various ways
to depict it. Exercise: to get us back into making art in a physical way, this
week we will make a large abstract collective piece out side in the
environment, using paint, collage, earth and found objects, like leaves and
sand. We will also draw Trees and represent forms from around the garden this
will be an exploratory and experimental class.
Materials: Smock, old shirt and gloves, various mixed media and collage materials.
Materials: Smock, old shirt and gloves, various mixed media and collage materials.
Week Three Getting
out in the environment – Picnic in the park – This week we will have a picnic and
a little outing to the local park only walking distance away. Bring something
to share if you like and your journals. We will be drawing various forms both
‘man made’ and natural features, there are a variety of structures so we can
start to explore perspective and structure. Bring: journals and pencils and
other materials as you like.
Pencils, (colour and grey lead), journals. Optional: pastels, watercolour.
Week Four Drawing trees and plants
– optional charcoal, pastel and watercolour paint. Drawing and painting trees
and shrubs are one of the things most of my students have wanted to learn at
some stage. I will teach you some techniques about structure and tone and you
will then find a friendly tree to draw. Here we will go outside into the garden
and do studies of trees in the environment. Drawing out in the garden at Span
in all its Spring glory.
Materials: Pencils, (colour and grey lead), journals, rubbers, etc. Media of your choice: charcoal, ink, watercolour, pastel, etc.
Materials: Pencils, (colour and grey lead), journals, rubbers, etc. Media of your choice: charcoal, ink, watercolour, pastel, etc.
Week Five Perspective Part
One – theory and practice. Drawing Perspective is considered one of the most
difficult topics, it is one of the driest and most technical things in art, but
it is not hard one you get the idea. Over these two weeks we will explore
perspective and how to draw applying these simple rules. Firstly this week we
will learn the basic rules of perspective and apply them to photographs in the inside
environment of the class.
Materials: Pencils, (colour and grey lead), journals, rubbers, tracing paper and magazines.
Materials: Pencils, (colour and grey lead), journals, rubbers, tracing paper and magazines.
Week Six Perspective
Part Two - structure in the environment. This week we will again venture
outside, this time to apply the rules of perspective to the build environment
around us.
Pencils, (colour and grey lead), journals, rubbers, other materials.
Week Seven Contures
in the landscape – the shape of undulating things. This week we will learn all
about contures, what defines the curving forms. Often seen as concentric lines around
a form that give it body and describe its shape, like conture lines on a map.
For this class we will set up still life landscape with cloth and small trees
and other forms for you to draw the landscape whilst in the class room. We will
look at the curving forms in the landscape art of Llyod Rees and Brett Whitely.
Materials: Pencils, (colour and grey lead), journals, rubbers, etc. Media of your choice: charcoal, ink, watercolour, pastel, etc.
Materials: Pencils, (colour and grey lead), journals, rubbers, etc. Media of your choice: charcoal, ink, watercolour, pastel, etc.
Week Eight Australian landscape – Katie’s Australian
colour theory. Understanding colour is essential to painting the environment.
This week I will talk you through my colour theory for the Australian condition
and we will do some experiments in using a limited pallet to gain a range of
natural colours to depict the Australia bush. Perhaps we will have an excursion
to the Indigenous art exhibition at the NGV and plan an adventure into the
landscape to make art next week.
Week Nine Art Excursion
– painting in the landscape – hopefully going out into local bushland to paint
and draw the landscape, trees and environment.
Week Ten End of year exhibition
possibility and Xmas party